Writer-Director Robert Fontaine and his wife Monica Coronatti, decided to leap into the world of ramen with their latest venture for the City of Newburgh, District Ramen.

Newburgh, NY

The Beginning

In the summer of 2013, Writer-Director Robert Fontaine made his third feature film shot entirely on location in the City of Newburgh, entitled ‘Mi AMERICA.’ The feature film sparked a renaissance that continues to this day.

By 2014, Robert and his wife Monica became full-time residents of the City of Newburgh, residing in a section known as Ward One. They believe District Ramen can be a social place, a place of diversity, an exchange for sharing ideas and dreaming of what is possible while enjoying some of the best Ramen on the planet.

We hope to see you soon!

District Ramen -

Newburgh, NY

District Ramen


There are less than a handful of ramen shops in the Hudson Valley, and most fall short of a real authentic ramen experience, says Robert. Naruto Ramen in NYC had been the go-to spot for Robert and Monica for many years, and in their opinion, some of the best Ramen around. Naruto had a vibe that was truly a neighborhood one, and Robert has been wanting to replicate it in Newburgh for quite some time. Their menu items were also priced for anyone to enjoy authentic ramen.

Once the restoration of 47 Lander was completed, they set out to try and convince Chef Tohma Nagai and Chef Timothy Rendon (Naruto Ramen, Nishida Sho-ten), to consider opening up a Ramen shop in Newburgh, specifically, 47 Lander Street.

After several trips back and forth to NYC, the pandemic, and everything else in between, the Chefs finally embraced Robert’s vision for the community and the area — They were all in. Though many challenges plagued this project for three years, especially in navigating the politics of a small city like Newburgh, they finally managed to get it done.

District Ramen is for you, Newburgh!